on a true story, Steven Spielberg's Schindler's
List stars Liam Neeson
as Oskar Schindler, a German businessman in Poland who sees an opportunity
to make money from the Nazis' rise to power. He starts a company to
make cookware and utensils, using flattery and bribes to win military
contracts, and brings in accountant and financier Itzhak Stern (Ben
Kingsley) to help run the factory. By staffing his plant with Jews who've
been herded into Krakow's ghetto by Nazi troops, Schindler has a dependable
unpaid labor force. For Stern, a job in a war-related plant could mean
survival for himself and the other Jews working for Schindler. However,
in 1942, all of Krakow's Jews are assigned to the Plaszow Forced Labor
Camp, overseen by Commandant Amon Goeth (Ralph
Fiennes), an embittered alcoholic who occasionally shoots prisoners
from his balcony. Schindler arranges to continue using Polish Jews in
his plant, but, as he sees what is happening to his employees, he begins
to develop a conscience. He realizes that his factory (now refitted
to manufacture ammunition) is the only thing preventing his staff from
being shipped to the death camps. Soon Schindler demands more workers
and starts bribing Nazi leaders to keep Jews on his employee lists and
out of the camps. By the time Germany falls to the allies, Schindler
has lost his entire fortune -- and saved 1100 people from likely death.
Not often thought of as an actor's director, Spielberg draws superb
performances from his three leads, while Janusz Kaminski's monochrome
photography and the production design by Allan Starski capture the grim
realities of the Krakow ghetto and labor camp with unsensational realism.
Schindler's List was nominated
for twelve Academy Awards and won seven, including Best Picture and
a long-coveted Best Director for Spielberg, and it quickly gained a
place as one of the finest American movies about the Holocaust.
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