a refreshing approach to an old story, this romantic comedy is one of
those rare Hollywood features that contains a little something for almost
everyone: sports, romance, humor, satire, a touch of pathos, insight
and even some subtle drama. At the onset, Jerry Maguire (Tom
Cruise) is a busy and highly successful manager of 72 noted sports
personalities. Like most of Sports Management International's top employees,
he is ruthlessly ambitious and greedy. He spends most of his time zooming
across the country trying to figure out ways to promote his clients--not
to help them, but to make money for his employer. But late one night
in yet another faceless hotel, something inside Jerry snaps. Hastily,
he pens a fiery letter titled "The Things We Think and Do Not Say: The
Future of Our Business," a passionate call to start caring more for
the clients than the revenue they generate. The memo nets Jerry a standing
ovation from his peers, but his bosses are not impressed and soon afterward,
Jerry gets canned. As he walks out, he asks others to join him, but
only one lowly accountant, Dorothy(Renee Zellweger), dares show solidarity.
For her, a widow with a small son, it is a strong sign of her quiet
devotion to his cause. All of his clients but Rod Tidwell, the wide
receiver for the Arizona Cardinals desert him. So does his equally ruthless
fiance Avery Bishop. Still, Jerry is determined to reassemble his life
and so begins wooing promising college draft pick Frank Cushman, a young
quarterback with real star potential. He also begins looking carefully
at Dorothy. She and her son live with her caustic older sister Laurel.
Despite the obstacles presented by Laurel and her divorced friends,
Dorothy and Jerry begin a tentative relationship that goes well until
they reach a final obstacle, one that could have lasting consequences
for her little boy.
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