Although mako sharks are among the fastest and deadliest predators in the
ocean, they're not as smart as humans -- at least, they weren't. However, Dr.
Susan McAlester (Saffron Burrows) has been using mako sharks as her test
subjects for research on the regeneration of human brain tissues. McAlester
has altered the DNA of several sharks, raising them close to the level of
human intelligence; the sharks have also become faster and stronger in the
process. While these DNA experiments have yielded fascinating results,
they're also of questionable ethics and legality, earning her the distrust of
several members of her crew, including shark authority Carter Blake (Thomas
Jane and cook "Preacher" Dudley (LL Cool J). The financial backers of these
experiments have also expressed skepticism, so when McAlester is ready to
perform some major tests, financier Russell Franklin (Samuel L. Jackson)
arrives for the occasion. McAlester and her team are delicately extracting
brain tissue from one of the altered makos when the animal regains
consciousness - and becomes very angry. The shark not only attacks the researchers but also damages
the floating lab, leaving the crew aboard a literally sinking ship, with the makos eager to go a few
rounds - in an arena that favors sharks. Deep Blue Sea was directed by Renny Harlin, and filmed in
Mexico at Fox Studios Baja in the underwater filming facilities created for James Cameron's Titanic.

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